Picture Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It cleanses the physical and emotional body of toxins and negative thought forms, and repairs the aura, bringing stability and balance. It provides stamina and untiring perseverance in tackling huge amounts of work or ongoing projects by apportioning one’s energy. It also sustains during difficult life situations that shape one’s strength. Picture Jasper is known to help keep one “down to earth” by alleviating stress and inducing tranquility. It is particularly grounding as a worry stone, and may be used as a rescue stone for dissolving a sudden rush of fear, anger or panic. It is also effective for banishing nightmares or harmful thoughts.
Picture Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. IIt encourages honesty with one's self and provides courage to assertively tackle problems. Picture Jasper stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action.It provides a strengthening energy for the emotional body, easing stress and producing a calm stability. For those sensitive to its vibration, it creates a special aura, a pleasant sensation as it irradiates throughout the body. It invites feelings of compassion and patience, humility, and even generosity.
Picture Jasper is especially helpful in reducing insecurity in those who are constantly worried about money or losing their job or home, or who are filled with guilt about past failings or inadequacies. It helps one come to terms with life’s situations and to regain a foothold after defeats. Picture Jasper breaks the emotional self-defeating cycle and replaces it with a sense of contentment.
Picture Jasper acts as a charm for all property matters, such as buying, selling or renting a home, and for success in business transactions having to do with finances and loans.
On physical level, Picture Jasper is superb for healing the physical and emotional bodies during injury, prolonged illness or hospitalization. Its Earth energies bring gradual strength and renewed vitality, while helping one to understand and endure these frustrating or painful experiences. Picture Jasper is a remarkable talisman for cutting down or quitting smoking. It removes harmful toxins from the system over time, and increases the resolve needed to overcome the emotional triggers that perpetuate the behavior.
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